Uniforms and Spirit Wear


A uniform dress code has been established to promote a Christian atmosphere for learning and to de-emphasize competition in dress among the students.   The uniform code exists for the students.  It is a sign of the unique and special character of Catholic education.  The uniform code is not meant to prevent individual expression on the part of the student; rather, the uniform allows the student to express individuality at the highest levels of virtue: through endeavors, personality, spirituality, and service to others.  It is not required nor recommended that families buy all the options available.  On the contrary, families are encouraged to purchase a minimum of clothes for students to wear regularly.

Students must wear their uniforms at all times unless otherwise announced by the school. The school office shall keep track of uniform violations. Continual disregard of the policy may result in loss of privileges.  The Principal is the final judge of appropriate dress.

Dress Code

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Mass Uniform


Shirt: white oxford (short- or long-sleeved) **Embroidered logo is optional for boys Mass shirt.**
Pants: navy slacks
Shoes & Socks: black, blue, or brown dress shoes with white or navy socks.
Tie: uniform plaid, required for Grades 1-5, optional for Pre-K and K


Shirt: white Peter Pan blouse (short- or long-sleeved)
Jumper: uniform plaid. Shorts must be worn underneath.
Skirt: Grades 4, 5, and 6 only may wear pleated uniform plaid skirt instead of jumper. Shorts must be worn underneath.
Shoes & Socks: black, blue, or brown dress shoes with white or navy socks or white or navy tights.

Regular Uniform


Shirt: white oxford (short- or long-sleeved); red, navy or white polo* (short- or long-sleeved); plain white turtleneck.
Pants: khaki or navy chinos (pleated or flat-front). No cargo pants. (Must pair navy polo to khaki.)
Shorts**: khaki or navy chinos (pleated or flat-front), Bermuda-length only. No cargos.


Shirt: white Peter Pan blouse (short- or long-sleeved); red, navy, or white polo* (short- or longsleeved); plain white turtleneck with no lace.
Jumper: uniform plaid jumper optional each day. Shorts must be worn underneath.
Pants: khaki or navy chinos (pleated or flat-front). No cargo pants. Must pair navy polo to khaki pants.
Shorts: khaki or navy chinos (pleated or flat-front), Bermuda-length only. No cargos.
Skorts: above- or at-the-knee blended chino khaki or navy skort (no pockets or pleats)
Skirts: Grade 5 only—A-line uniform plaid skirt (easygoing comfort) or pleated uniform plaid skirt. Shorts must be worn underneath.
Culottes: navy—to be purchased from Parker.
Dress: short-sleeve mesh polo dress: navy. Must be purchased from Lands’ End. Must include school logo.

Shoes and Socks

Shoes: athletic shoes that are predominantly black, dark blue, grey or white (no flashing lights, no rollers, no marking soles); dress shoes may be worn, but keep in mind athletic shoes must be worn for P.E. class daily and are recommended for recess. No open-toe or open-heeled shoes or sandals. No heels.
Socks: white or navy (boys: only ankle-length if wearing shorts; girls: any length). Black socks may be worn with slacks only. Socks must be visible above the shoe. Tights: girls only—white or navy may be worn with jumper, skort, or skirt (5th). No Capri-length leggings. Tights must cover the legs and ankles.


Grades 1 through 6 must wear navy, black, brown, or uniform plaid belt with all clothing that has belt loops. Optional for Pre-K and K.

Cardigans and Fleeces

Students may wear navy cardigans and red or navy fleeces purchased from the uniform companies any day of the week including Mass days. St. Joseph sweatshirts and hoodies may only be worn outside at recess.

Friday Uniform

Students may wear a St. Joseph Spirit shirt or sweatshirt with regular uniform pants, shorts**, skorts, or skirts (5th) on any Friday that is not also a Mass day or other special occasion.

Denim Days

Students may wear a St. Joseph Spirit shirt or sweatshirt with denim jeans or jean shorts**.

Additional Requirements

  • Shirttails must be tucked in at all times (except P.E. and recess). Pants and shorts must be worn at proper waist level—not down to or below the hips.

  • Only appropriate-sized, fitting clothing is permitted. All pants, shorts, skorts, and skirts that are too short or oversized will need to be replaced. In general, a clearance of more than two inches above the knee is too short.

  • No visible temporary or permanent tattoos.

  • Hair coloring and bleaching are not permitted. All boys’ hair must be cut above the shirt collar. Haircuts and styles are to be neat, clean, and well groomed. Hair accessories (for girls only) are to be conservative and have colors that coordinate with the school uniform. Headbands are allowed in school colors or in uniform plaid. Headbands are to be no more than two inches wide. No scarves or bandanas. No hair braiding with beads.

  • Jewelry is limited to one watch, one ring, and simple religious necklaces or bracelets. Nonreligious necklaces and bracelets are not allowed. No earrings are permitted for boys. Earrings should be no larger than a dime in size.

  • No coats, jackets, or hoodies may be worn inside the classroom. Approved cardigans and fleeces may be worn in the classroom. St. Joseph sweatshirts are allowed inside only on Fridays or Spirit Days.

  • No cosmetics, lip gloss, colored chapstick, or nail polish may be worn.

  • Red, white and navy polo shirts/dresses MUST have the embroidered St. Joseph emblem. 

  • Shorts may be worn from the first day of school through October 15th and then again from April 1st through the last day of school.