Safe Environment Curriculum and Training
The Archdiocese of Oklahoma City has established personal safety programs for children that include information about appropriate behavioral and physical boundaries between adults and children, and what to do if those boundaries are violated. The Safe Environment Curriculum is a standard, permanent element of Catholic education in this Archdiocese. It will be administered each year as part of the religion curriculum. Parents/guardians will be informed when it is to be taught, and we welcome inquiries about the curriculum. As part of the Archdiocese's ongoing Safe Environment effort, any person having regular contact with students of St. Joseph Catholic School MUST have a background check completed prior to any involvement in school activities and must have completed the Safe Environment Training.
New Training for All
The Archdiocese implemented a new Safe Environment program called Safe and Sacred. The entire program is online and everyone (Staff /Volunteer) who has or will have any regular contact with children and young people is required to complete the course this first year.
To complete the course:
1. Go to the Safe Environment website, located here.
2. Click the CREATE NEW ACCOUNT button.
3. Complete ALL the information on the Registration page.
4. Click on the CREATE MY NEW ACCOUNT button to create your account.
5. Click the Continue button to confirm your account and enter the training site.
The Course everyone must complete is: Protecting Children in the 21st Century
When you are complete with the training, the parish will be notified.
Please make time to do this training as soon as possible.
Please note: Employees of the School and Parish must complete ALL of the following training pieces:
1. Protecting Children in the 21st Century – this is the Charter required course including Boundaries and Human Trafficking 2. Human Dignity in the Workplace for Employees at the Pastoral and Parish/School Level; Organizations 3. Human Dignity in the Workplace for Supervisors who are classified as a supervisor; Ordained Clergy, Senior Staff, Directors, etc.