Admissions Policy

Admission Policy and Requirements

Admission Priority: 

The priority of admission is on a first come, first placement basis. There shall be no discrimination in enrollment practices according to race, ethnic background,  socioeconomic status, or gender at St. Joseph Catholic School.

We are a Catholic school for the parishioners of St. Francis Xavier, St. Gregory the Great, St. Michael, and other area Catholic parishes.   We welcome members of other faith traditions when space is available.

Waiting List Priority: 

  1. Children of active* parishioners from St. Francis Xavier or St. Gregory the Great Parishes with children currently enrolled in St. Joseph Catholic School.

  2. Children of active parishioners from St. Francis Xavier or St. Gregory the Great Parishes whose siblings had graduated in the preceding school year

  3. Children of active parishioners from St. Francis  Xavier or St. Gregory the Great Parishes.

  4. Children of active parishioners of other Catholic parishes.

  5. Children of inactive Catholics and other faith traditions.

*Criteria for determining active parishioners:

  • Attendance at Mass at St. Francis Xavier or St. Gregory the Great on a regular basis on Sundays and Holy Days, at least 75% attendance.

  • Consistent stewardship of the parish, commensurate with one’s talent, time, and financial ability to participate in parish and school activities.

  • Recommendation by the Pastor.

Age requirements:

  • Children must be 3 years of age on or before September 1st for admission into Preschool. *Students must be able to use the lavatory independently.

  • Children must be 4 years of age on or before September 1st for admission into Pre-Kindergarten.

  • Children must be 5 years of age on or before September 1st for admission into Kindergarten.

Documentation requirements for first-time enrollees:

  • The child’s birth certificate

  • An up-to-date and complete immunization record (see page 43)

  • If Catholic, baptism, reconciliation, and first communion certificates.

  • If transferring from another school, complete permanent records.

Basic enrollment requirements:

  • St. Joseph Catholic School will assess new students in Kindergarten and all higher grades to determine the readiness of the students for the enrolled grade. 

  • The parents/guardians of a student admitted to  St. Joseph Catholic School must subscribe to the school’s philosophy and agree to abide by the policies and regulations of the school and of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.

  • Students shall not be denied admission because of handicap unless this handicap seriously impairs the student’s ability to successfully complete the school’s academic program, or unless St. Joseph Catholic School cannot reasonably provide sufficient physical or educational care for the child in question. 

 All new students will be subject to a 30-day probation period.

Transfer Students:

Before a prospective transferring student is fully admitted the student and family will have an interview with the Principal. The parent/guardian shall supply the school with permission to receive complete permanent records from the school the student last attended. These must include immunization records, grades, standardized test results, information concerning special education and/or health related needs, and other educational information that might be available on the child.  St. Joseph Catholic School will honor retention assigned by the prospective transfer student’s previous school. All transfer students must take a readiness test provided by the school to help determine grade placement.